General Terms and Conditions of Sale

As a selective distribution network, trades products through its website solely for retail customers and end users. Any order not corresponding to a retail sale and any fraudulent or assumedly fraudulent order shall be treated by as void and shall not be processed.

Before placing their order, buyers declare that the purchase of products through the website is not by any means connected to their professional capacity and is solely intended for personal use.

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, buyers and shall be collectively or individually referred to as the “Party” or the “Parties”.

Article 1 – Scope

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale have been mainly established for informing all potential buyers on the terms and conditions under which the seller (“” or the “Seller”) shall proceed to the sale and delivery of products ordered and define the parties’ rights and obligations as to the sale of products by the seller to the consumer (the “buyer”). These Terms and Conditions shall apply without limitation to all the sales of products presented through (the “Website” or the “Site”).

Therefore, the act of the buyer placing an order for a product offered through website shall be in all aspects governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, with the Buyer recognizing that he/she has been fully informed on and accepted such General Terms and Conditions of Sale before placing his/her order. reserves the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions of Sale anytime. Only the amendments accepted by the buyer before placing his/her order shall apply to such order.

The applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale (the “GTCS”) supplement the applicable General Terms of Use of website and they can be always found at the related section.

Article 2 – Corporate Identity 

Trade name: 

Address: Sithonia, Halkidiki

PC: GR 63088

Country : Greece

Article 3 – Contracts and Orders

3.1 Pricing – Shipping Costs

The sale prices of the products (in Euro) referred to in the Website are those applicable at the time of placing an order, including VAT and all other applicable taxes. Sale prices may be amended by anytime through a related notice in its website before product pricing. The buyer shall be informed by a personal message on any changes before placing his/her order. Prices are the ones applicable to distant buying.

These prices are exclusive of shipping charges, which are added to the final price of the purchased products. Shipping charges depend on the buyer’s purchase volume. The aforementioned delivery times may be subject to amendments as a result of force majeure or unpredictable conditions (for example, national transportation strikes, etc.)

Delivery settings are described in the following GTCS and they may be amended by anytime, however, always before placing of an order by and invoicing a customer and given that such customer is relatively informed. In addition, recommends the buyer to frequently consult the GTCS and GTCU available in the Website and get informed on any amendment thereof. 

Prices are inclusive of the Value Added Tax (VAT) applicable on the date of the order. Any change to the applicable rate shall be reflected on the prices of the products sold by through its website. Product ordering automatically generates the obligation for the Consumer to pay the order amount. Product pricing reflects the value of the products at the time that the consumer places the order.

3.2 Product Characteristics

The buyer may choose one or more products from the different categories that are available through the website of may make changes in the variety of the products presented in its Website, depending on limitations related to its suppliers, without prejudice to any orders already placed by the buyer.

All products comply with the applicable national legislation on cosmetics and the European Regulation on Cosmetic Products. cannot guarantee that all the information referred to on the package of the products has been translated into all the official EU languages. However, such information is surely available in Greek and/or in English.

For any problem in relation to a product and for any information that may be required, the buyer may contact E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days. 

3.3 Availability

Within the framework of sales, the offer of products by shall remain in force as long as such products are presented through the website, subject to availability restrictions/stock.

The buyer is advised on the availability of a product at the time he/she places the order, through a personal message, which the buyer has to confirm. Given that the information comes directly from our suppliers, changes or errors may occasionally occur.

In any case and in the event of whole or partial non-availability of ordered products, the customer shall be informed by phone at the number indicated at registration or through a personal message at his/her email, that the products are out of stock and on the partial or full cancellation of his/her order and the cancellation of a possible respective charge.

In the event that an order is fully cancelled:

The customer’s order shall be automatically cancelled and his/her account will not be charged. will communicate with the customer and inform him/her on the cancellation of his/her order, requesting to have a new order placed, excluding the products which are not available or he/she will complete the order with the products.

In the event that an order is partially cancelled:

The buyer’s order will be successfully processed and his/her bank account will be charged with the amount of the final order to be sent.

The buyer will receive the available products.

The buyer will get a refund of the value of the ordered and charged products which are out of stock, with no delay and within 30 days at the latest, from the payment of the total amount.

3.4 Order

All orders entail acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website, Personal Data/Confidentiality and Use of Cookies without any reservation as to such terms and any special agreements between the parties.

The correction of any order errors is the buyer’s responsibility.

From the moment that the buyer confirms his/her order by clicking on the “Checkout” button (under and right from “the order” section), he/she is considered that he/she has been informed on and that he/she has fully and implicitly understood the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the prices, the proposed delivery time and shipping charges for the ordered volume, the amounts as well as the recommended products. An order of products entails the Consumer’s obligation to pay the cost of the order. The sale is completed when the Consumer places the order. shall confirm the order by sending a related email to the buyer’s email address (“order confirmation email”). 

From the moment that this step is completed and validated, the buyer may not amend his order. Should he/she wish either to amend or cancel his/her order, he/she has to contact E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days and request an amendment/ cancellation.

As soon as the buyer receives his/her order, he/she may conditionally exercise the right to return it, as described in article 6 hereof.

Furthermore, reserves the right to cancel or suspend an entire order or its delivery, regardless the status and the level of its processing, in case of non-payment or partial payment of any amount owed by the buyer, in the event of fraud at payment or fraud or attempted fraud while using the website.

A second email shall be sent to the buyer as soon as his/her order is dispatched and is entitled to collect full cost of the order and the related shipping charges. recommends to its buyers to keep all information of their orders in printed or digital format.

Article 4 – Payment 

4.1 Payment Methods

The buyer assures that has been properly authorized as to the use of the payment method selected by the buyer while placing his/her order.

4.1.1 Bank cards accepts Visa, MasterCard credit cards via PayPal and Paypal payments.

4.1.2 Payment at delivery

The buyer pays the exact amount of the order and the related shipping charges to the Courier agent at delivery of the order. The order will be delivered only when the order cost and the related shipping charges have been fully paid.

4.2 Terms of payment

Payment must be performed by the buyer during order procedure.

The buyer can pay for his order by making use of any of the aforementioned payment methods, contacting, if necessary, E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days.

All orders, including taxes and any other mandatory charge, must be paid in Euro. An order of products generates the buyer’s obligation to pay for such order. Any bank charge that may arise shall be borne by the buyer.

Any unpaid amount due shall incur the legal default interest, exclusively at the discretion of, and shall directly apply within ten (10) days upon the billing date or directly upon notification of the banking payment decline.

Furthermore, reserves the right to cancel or suspend an entire order or the delivery thereof, regardless its status and the level of its processing, in case of non-payment or partial payment of any amount owed by the buyer, in the event of fraud at payment or fraud or attempted fraud while using the website.

4.3 Safe transactions

In order to deal with internet fraud issues, may communicate information on the buyer’s order to any third party legally authorized or appointed by so as to confirm the buyer’s identity, validity of order, validity of payment method used and selected delivery method. uses the prescribed methods with valid encryption techniques for guaranteeing the safety of its transactions. The safety of transactions lies on the buyer’s identification and the confidentiality of the information provided. The overall payment procedure shall be exclusively performed within the safe environment of VIVA, using the 1024-bit encryption TLS protocol, for safe online transactions. By this means, all your personal details are encrypted, including your credit card number, its expiry date and other details of your card, disabling their readability or changeability while transferred through the Internet.

Article 5 – Delivery and acceptance 

5.1 General Terms

Pursuant to these General Terms of Delivery (“GTD”), any products ordered by the buyer shall be delivered to the address specified by the buyer, denoted as the delivery address (“Delivery Address”). delivers its products to all areas within the greek territory (excluding the areas not reached by courier services). Deliveries are performed on a daily basis, save for Saturday, Sunday and national holidays. Sale invoices/receipts and delivery notes shall accompany the products delivered to the address set by the buyer while placing his/her order.

5.2 Details of used delivery methods at

5.2.1 Packages shall be delivered to the delivery address of the buyer or the recipient.

If the latter is absent, depending on the courier agent’s discretion and if permitted, packages shall be delivered to another person, proxy or identifiable third person.

If pay-at-delivery is selected, the buyer has to pay at delivery the total price of the order first.

If packages cannot be delivered, the buyer or the recipient shall receive a notice at the specified address, enabling him/her to pick the products from the closest branch of the courier service within ten (10) days.

Once such 10-day period lapses, packages shall be returned to the sender. In such case, the buyer shall be refunded with the amount charged at the time of the order, exclusive of shipping charges (in case of credit card payment).

No delivery-related act can be performed if the package is recorded as delivered and the related delivery notice has been signed.

5.3 Incidents, damages, destroyed packaging

5.3.1 General Provisions

The buyer or recipient of the order has to verify the good condition of packages and delivered products.

If any abnormality is identified in relation to the packages (destroyed or open package, liquid traces, etc.) or the ordered products (missing, destroyed, etc.), the buyer or the recipient of the order has to follow the procedures provided for by articles 5.3.2  and 5.3.3 of these General Terms and Conditions for Sale, depending on the status of the order. Any failure to properly apply the procedure prescribed for problem notification may discharge the courier service and from any responsibility; more specifically, the buyer shall be neither entitled to a refund nor able to claim from to have the ordered products re-delivered.

5.3.2 Procedure to be followed in case of destroyed package - Courier service delivery

If any abnormality is identified while the courier service agent is present

Directly deny delivery and clearly and thoroughly describe the problem. The buyer or the recipient of the order has to submit a problem reporting document and the package to the courier service agent.

Report your problem to E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days.

If any abnormality is identified while the courier service agent is absent

Report the damage and any missing product, fill in the reporting document and contact E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days or via email at Reporting has to be made within three (3) working days from delivery.

5.3.3 Procedure to be followed in case of missing or damaged products

The buyer or the recipient of the order has to contact E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20 during working hours and days  and report the absence or damaged status of products. may request information on the buyer or recipient’s identity and conduct the prescribed control before proceeding to the supplementation of missing products or replacement of the damaged ones.

5.4 Delivery Time

The buyer will receive his order in 1-2 business days. Delivery time starts an order placement is confirmed. The buyer can be informed on the estimated delivery time, depending on the territorial location of delivery, by contacting +30 698 180 64 20 . For the current period, due to increased volume and security measures, your order may be delayed.


If delivery delays more than seven (7) days from the aforementioned time limits, the buyer shall be entitled to cancel the order within sixty (60) days from the maximum delivery time specified for the delivery of products, by sending a registered mail accompanied by the delivery notice to the address of, upon contacting us, during Customer Service working days and hours. They buyer can be informed on the delivery time of his/her order by contacting E-shop Customer Service at +30 698 180 64 20  or via email at

Article 6 – Rights and time limits for returns 

6.1 Right to return

6.1.1 Time limit for exercising the right to return ordered products

The buyer has a 14-day deadline since the date that the package containing the ordered products has been delivered in order to exercise his/her right to reverse the sale and return the products, without justifying his/her decision. In case that the 14th day is Saturday, Sunday or a national holiday, then such deadline shall be extended to the next working day.

6.1.2 Further details on the right to return ordered products

Further details on the right to return delivered products is set forth in article 6.3 hereof.

6.1.3 Results of exercising the right to return ordered products

The buyer shall exercise his/her right to return ordered products in compliance with the terms and conditions described in this article, as to the time to inform and further details on returns. The buyer may select between:

return of the product to a store and change of such product by another item sold by, of equal or higher value

refund equal to the cost of the returned product paid similarly to the payment method of the order, as long as the return is made within such 14-day deadline period.

The right to have a sale reversed/a product returned may not be exercised for products having been unsealed upon delivery and which cannot be resealed for hygiene and health protection purposes. In addition, the buyer should note that he/she cannot exercise the right to have the sale reversed/a product returned if such product does not bear a safety tape (for example, cosmetics or make-up products). By exercising his/her right to return ordered products by applying this article as to the time and method of return in accordance with the conditions specified hereby, the buyer may get a refund equal to the value of the returned products.

6.1.4 Return charges

Any return charges shall be borne by the buyer unless in case of a defective product or non-compliance of delivered products with the ordered ones (in such case, return charges shall be borne by

6.2 Contractual Right and Return Period

Wishing always to satisfy its customers and recipients of orders, accepts the return of products ordered by through simple post services or direct delivery to a store within the legal deadlines specified above (the “right to return ordered products”).

6.2.1 Deadline for exercising the right to return ordered products

The buyer or the recipient of an order may exercise his/her right to return the ordered products within fourteen (14) days from order delivery.

6.2.2 Further details on the right to return ordered products

Further details on the right to return delivered products is set forth in article 6.3 hereof.

6.2.3  Results of exercising the right to return ordered products

The buyer or the recipient of the order wishing to exercise his/her right to return ordered products may select between:

return of the product to a store and change of such product by another item sold by, of equal or higher value

refund equal to the cost of the returned product paid similarly to the payment method of the order.

The right to have a sale reversed/a product returned may not be exercised for products having been unsealed upon delivery and which cannot be resealed for hygiene and health protection purposes. In addition, the buyer should note that he/she cannot exercise the right to have the sale reversed/a product returned if such product does not bear a safety tape (for example, cosmetics or make-up products).

6.2.4 Return charges

Any return charges shall be borne by the buyer unless in case of a defective product or non-compliance of delivered products with the ordered ones (in such case, return charges shall be borne by

In the event that a product can be returned, the buyer or the recipient of the order may, by exercising his right to have a sale reversed to:

return the product to a store and change such product by another item sold by, of equal or higher value

get a refund equal to the cost of the returned product paid similarly to the payment method of the order.

6.3. Further details on exercising the right to return ordered products

6.3.1. General provisions covering all return methods

Products must be returned to within the aforementioned 14-day deadline at perfect/flawless condition enabling their resale (at their original closed or sealed packaging, with all their accessories, instructions, etc.) and provided that they have not been opened or used.

Products must be returned upon filling in a related return form attached to the GTCS (Annex 1). shall return to the buyer the full cost of the products following the method of their purchase, within fourteen(14) days since the date that the Company is notified on the sales reversal.

6.3.2. Return to a store

According to the GTCS, a product can be returned to any store in Greece by demonstrating the purchase receipt.

6.3.3. Return by post or courier services

The buyer or the recipient of the order exercising the right to return ordered products within the legal 14-day deadline, has to follow the directions below when products are to be returned by post or courier services:

- Dispatch the products at excellent condition and in a closed packaging, accompanied by a registered letter, a delivery notice and a filled in form on sales reversal – PRODUCT RETURN FORM – to:

Address: Sithonia, Halkidiki
PC: GR 63088
Country : Greece shall not accept any packages sent on recipient’s charge (except for defective products or products which have to be compulsorily replaced).

If the buyer or the recipient does not have any document supporting that he/she gave the product to a courier service or delivered the same to a store, then the responsibility to return the product lies with the buyer/recipient.

The buyer or the recipient of an order exercising the right to return ordered products within the legally specified 14-day deadline may call the associated courier service  set the date and time for picking up the package with the products to be returned. A return may be performed as long as the products are at excellent condition and in a closed packaging, accompanied by a registered letter, and a filled in form on sales reversal – PRODUCT RETURN FORM – sent to the aforementioned address:

Article 7 – Retention of ownership

All products sold through our Website are free from any legal or real defect. Any products that may get amended, repaired, installed or added by the buyer shall not be covered by this warranty. No warranty shall apply to damaged or destroyed products, as a result of their transfer or due to bad or improper use. fully retains ownership of the products ordered through the E-shop till final payment of their value, involving the main value of products, as well as any costs and taxes included in the invoice/receipt, as well as the applicable shipping charges.

Article 8 – Intellectual Property Rights 

The trademark, and any other trademarks, images and logos presented in the Website (included but not limited to the General Terms of Use and these General Terms and Conditions for Sale) are and shall remain sole property of or any other owner of intellectual property rights.

Any partial or full reproduction, amendment and use of trademarks, images and logos, or any other content of the Website, for any reason and by any means, without the explicit consent in writing by or the owner of such intellectual property rights shall be strictly prohibited. The same shall also apply to all intellectual property rights, designs and patents belonging to the Website.

Article 9 – Signature and Proof endeavors to protect your personal details and guarantee a high level of security. The buyer should also keep a high security standard for his/her transactions, for example abstain sharing his/her username (buyer’s email address) and/or his/her password and frequently change the same. Within this framework, cannot be held responsible for any communication of the buyer’s details, when his/her username (buyer’s email address) and/or his/her password are used by third parties.

Thus, the use of the username (buyer’s email address) and/or his/her password prove the buyer’s identity and authorize the same to confirm his/her order and the corresponding amount. shall by no means be held responsible for an improper or illegal use of such data and information.

The registration of credit card number and the final confirmation of the order are the proof of such order and shall lead to the denomination of the amount related to the purchase of products as due and payable.

The electronic registration recorded with electronic systems may be used by the parties as a proof of communication, orders, payments and transactions made between the parties.

Article 10 – Liability

10.1 Legal capacity

Before placing an order, the buyer has to declare his/her full legal capacity entitling him/her to transact according to the applicable General Terms and Conditions for Sale. shall assume no liability as to the confirmation of buyers or visitors’ legal capacity. As a result, if a person is deprived of the legal capacity to order through the website, his/her parents or custodians shall assume responsibility of such purchase and mostly its payment.

10.2 Limitation of Liability shall assume no liability for any loss or delay if failure to meet its obligations is attributed to force majeure, namely any incident beyond the will and the control of and which could not be predicted, as provided for by the Greek Law.

All the information provided through this Website shall be provided as it is and with no kind of guarantee, either explicit or silent, particularly with regard to its accuracy, completeness or currency, lawfulness, availability, credibility, products, accessories or services provided through website or the suitability of applications speculated by the buyer. shall not be held liable for any products sold through the Website especially if there is no compliance with their instructions for use. shall not be held liable for any claims raised by the buyer or any third party which fail to meet the terms of compliance. SHALL BEAR NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, PREDICTED OR NOT, WHILE USING THE WEBSITE. IN THIS CASE AND ONLY IF THE BUYER MAY PROVE INDUCEMENT OF SERIOUS DAMAGE WHILE PLACING THE ORDER, WHICH LIES ON THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF, THEN THE LIABILITY OF SHALL BE SOLELY LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF THE ORDER.

Any complaint against has to be filed within one (1) month from the occurrence of the incident related to the complain.

Article 11 – Informatics and Freedom shall collect personal details of the buyer and the recipient of the order as well, if necessary. The buyer acknowledges that the automated processing of his/her details shall be notified to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority. The purposes and the conditions under which collects and processes personal data are presented in General Terms for Use of the Website and shall be governed by the applicable legal scheme for the protection of personal data.

Article 12 – Amendments reserves the right to amend and update the General Terms and Conditions for Sale with no prior notice. In order to be informed on any kind of amendment, recommends its buyers and users in general to frequently read the GTCS, as well as the General Terms for Use of the Website. Any order shall be subject to the GTCS applicable at the time of the order.

Article 13 – Miscellaneous

13.1 Partial Validity Should one or more of these General Terms become by any means fully or partly null under the applicable law, then the affected terms or parts thereof shall not form part of the contract, with the remaining terms being regularly in force between the parties.

13.2 Waiver

The parties shall treat these General Parts as vital. They shall also accept full compliance therewith and they shall waive their right to dispute any of them.

13.3 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute that may arise in relation to the existence, interpretation, execution or infringement of the sales contract between and the buyer shall be exclusively settled by the Courts of Athens, in compliance with the Greek Law.

13.4 Force

The GTCS shall remain in force as long as the products are online provided by

For further information please contact at +30 698 180 64 20.


If you want to have a sale reversed, please fill in and return this form, stating the number of your order. Make sure that the number of your order is clearly indicated.


If you want to have a sale reversed, please fill in and return this form, stating the number of your order. Make sure that the number of your order is clearly indicated.